% -- External Function: mk_2 = remove_ponds( mask ); % % Take as input a two-dimensional array `mask' containing zeros or ones, with % values of zero representing land and values of one representing water. The % function discards all isolated bodies of water except for the largest one. % Assumptions: The `largest body of water' in area is assumed to be the one with % the longest perimeter. % Implementation: Individual bodies of water are identified with the intrinsic % function `contour'. Then, the small bodies of water are discarded one by one % using the intrinsic function `inpolygon'. (This is considerably faster than % running `inpolygon' over the main body of water.) % Example of usage: % wdmk = ncread( 'roms_qck_0001.nc', 'wetdry_mask_rho' ); % for irec = 1 : size( wdmk, 3 ) % mk_2 = remove_ponds( wdmk(:, :, irec) ); % figure(1); imagesc( mk_2' ); axis xy; axis equal; drawnow; % end; clear irec; % % Function arguments: % `mask' (input ): Two-dimensional array of type single, double, or logical. % `mk_2' (output): Two-dimensional array of type double (same size as mask) % where ponds have been discarded. % Tested R2021b Update 2 ( 64-bit (glnxa64), GNU Octave v.6.2.0. % psl@fastmail.net Pierre St-Laurent 2023-08-16. function outp = remove_ponds( inpu ) if ( islogical( inpu ) ) inpu = double( inpu ); end nx = size( inpu, 1 ); ny = size( inpu, 2 ); % nfig = length( findobj( 'type', 'figure' ) ); figure( 'visible', 'off' ) % figure( nfig + 1, 'visible', 'off' ) ccon = contour( inpu, 0.5 * [1, 1] ); close; % close( nfig + 1 ); ccon = ccon'; ibeg = find( ccon(:, 1) == 0.5 ); % Beginning of segment. iend = [ ibeg(2 : end); size( ccon, 1 ) + 1 ]; % End of segment. leng = ccon( ibeg, 2 ); % Length of segment. main = find( leng == max( leng ) ); % Index of main segment. outp = inpu; [jj, ii] = meshgrid( 1 : ny, 1 : nx ); for ibas = 1 : length( leng ) if ( ibas == main ) continue; end xpol = ccon( ibeg(ibas) + 1 : iend(ibas) - 1, 2 ); ypol = ccon( ibeg(ibas) + 1 : iend(ibas) - 1, 1 ); imin = max([ 1; floor(min(xpol)) - 1]); jmin = max([ 1; floor(min(ypol)) - 1]); imax = min([nx; ceil( max(xpol)) + 1]); jmax = min([ny; ceil( max(ypol)) + 1]); wrk1 = outp( imin : imax, jmin : jmax ); inpo = inpolygon( ii(imin : imax, jmin : jmax), ... jj(imin : imax, jmin : jmax), ... xpol, ypol ); wrk1( find( inpo ) ) = 0; outp( imin : imax, jmin : jmax ) = wrk1; clear xpol ypol imin imax jmin jmax wrk1 inpo; end; clear ibas; outp( find( outp > 0.5 & inpu < 0.5 ) ) = 0; end